About Us

Founded in 1989, Monitoring America Alarm Co-Op is a fundamentally different kind of monitoring station. As a Co-Op,  we’re a not-for-profit business that exists for the sole purpose of serving the wholesale alarm monitoring needs of alarm companies.


Unlike other central stations, we’re owned by the very alarm companies we serve. As such, you will never find Monitoring America competing with you in the marketplace.

How it works

Separate but equal access to Monitoring America’s services is integral to who we are. Each individual alarm company is in control of how their accounts are handled. In addition, every alarm company, regardless of size, pays the same price for each service we offer. Furthermore, everyone shares equal access to Monitoring America’s excellent response times.


The over three decades of stability and success of Monitoring America as a Co-Op is, at least in part, due to the structure set forth in the Corporate By-Laws. It ensures that no single alarm company can ever obtain a controlling interest in the operation because they are limited to a single share of stock. This means that each shareholder has an equal voice in electing the Board of Directors which oversees the operation at the highest level. It also means that you’ll never experience the disruption of having your monitoring station sold out from under you.

Industry Association Membership

We support a number of alarm industry associations, including The Monitoring Association, the Security Industry Association, the Electronic Security Association, and the National Fire Protection Association to further the interests of alarm companies and alarm monitoring nationwide.

Tulsa 3rd Party Central Station


Chairman of the Board – Brian Mark

1st Vice Chairman – Mark Olive

2nd Vice Chairman – Joshua Jones

3rd Vice Chairman – Seth Long

Board Secretary – Bobby Graham

Financial Advisor – Rob Cass

Board Steward – Darren Robertson


President: Jason Campbell

Vice President: Ryan Knight

Corporate Secretary: Tarra Trent

Why pay other companies for your wholesale monitoring? You can be an owner of your own central monitoring station, call or email today.